The Gloom Season 1, Part 3

episode eight. the tree-like mushrooms that appeared in early episodes of The Gloom were the subject of several theses at the University of Inner Cardiff. An investigation followed.

A history of The Gloom will some day be written, and after that happens, there will be a lawsuit, and a legal victory, the final alterations to the text will censor the following facts:
  • In 2002, there was a new comic written by a young Swiss student by the name of Tomsan Kaffas. This was called Nouvelle Sam.
  • The original creators of The Gloom bought the rights to this comic for a minor sum, discarded Tomsan's artwork, and proceeded to build their new comic, The Gloom, around the story of Nouvelle Sam.
  • Shortly before the Ultrapaste Corporation entered into negotiations to buy The Gloom, Tomsan Kaffas was found dead in Eastern Europe. No autopsy was performed.
As above, this website will continue to provide useful trivia about the process behind the making of The Gloom where possible.

episode nine

Episode nine, shown above, has always provoked vicious debate among fans. On the one hand, it introduced the most hated character in the entire comic, the clown. However, episode nine was also the point where The Gloom mushroomed in popularity. Before this it barely had ten hits on its website every day, but with a move of servers to and an article about the comic in the Atlanta Times Monthly, The Gloom suddenly had twelve new readers an hour an expenses bill to match.

episodes ten and eleven

The Gloom Season 1, Part 2

episode five, informally titled "energiser"

And so it happened that the comic continued. In those early days, we'd spend days and nights extracting codeine from paracetemol just to have enough fuel to keep us coming up with ideas. It was never easy, but we never gave up.

episode six, made in anger after the inexplicable death of a local cat

We didn't have much staff in those early days, but people rallied around to help. We had connections to many of the coders at the Dark Bit Factory and if we were short of soup or carrots, these kind men and women would send us packages full of Tesco own-brand food. Hopefully we can repay them in the future.

episode seven

The Gloom Season 1, Part 1

episode one, a summer classic

Here they are, verbatim,untouched, heavily edited, the first episodes of The Gloom. The quality has certainly crashed since then, but what did you expect?

episode two, a continuation

This was February 2004. It was a hard time for the computer graphics community, and things didn't get any better for many years. The Gloom continued to be the only source of glee and mirth for over 35,000 unemployed graphic artists until the Tory government introduced the Computer Graphics and Assault Legislation Bill, 2008 (Misc. Provisions) in June, 2006.

episodes three and four, The Gloom's first foray into multi-part episodes